Healthier Alignment Thru Strengthen & Lengthen (Lemahieu)
Beginner / 4.0 credit hours
(Pool Viewing Time: 7:30-9:30 am / Classroom Viewing Time: 9:30-11:30 am)
Faculty: Katrien Lemahieu, MSEN, ATRIC
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Finding a weakness, imbalances or dysfunction can help in general rehab and improve overall health. Kinetic Chain Movement can help in strengthening and lengthening through easy and harmonious movements for all. Everyone benefits with stronger and longer muscles!
1) Gain proper alignment for standing and in dynamic movement.
2) Explore and explain Kinetic Chain Movement.
3) Find weaknesses, dysfunction and imbalance.
4) Determine practical application in the aquatic environment.
FACULTY: Katrien Lemahieu, MSEN, ATRIC, has 20-plus years of experience in aquatics and has been a presenter worldwide since 2005. She studied physical education and holds a degree in Special Movement Education with an emphasis in Motoric Remedial Teaching and a focus on pediatrics. She has developed three e-learning programs on aquatic fitness (AquaMagicMoves) and is CEO of two educational institutes for aquatics: Kataqua for aquatic fitness and ProOZo for swimming. She is the organizer of the annual European Aquatic Fitness Conference (EAFC).
PowerPoint Presentation
Video One
Video Two
Video Three
Video Four
Video Five
Video Six
Video Seven
Video Eight
Video Nine
Video Ten