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Course Information

Hypertension: Aquatic Exercise & Special Population Series

Course Developed by Tinoca Senra, MS, & Renata Tarevnic, PhD
Contributing author and editor Julie See, AEA Director of Education 

Systemic arterial hypertension, often referred to simply as hypertension, is an elevated level of blood pressure in the arteries (vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart).  This creates greater effort on the heart to circulate blood throughout the body.

Hypertension is one of the most fatal but preventable causes of cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide. As the occurrence of hypertension increases directly in relation to age, the risk of developing hypertension in people over 50 years of age or older is 90% (Xiao 2020).

In this course, you will:

  • Discusses the prevalence of hypertension and known risk factors.
  • Differentiate between primary and secondary hypertension and understand the current American Heart Association blood pressure categories.
  • Examine evidence on the importance of exercise, including acute and chronic effects.
  • Better understand how immersion affects the human body, in particular the heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Learn ACSM exercise guidelines and ideas for monitoring intensity in the pool.
  • Explore aquatic programming considerations and important teaching considerations.

Course content also includes 4 video segments (to assist with monitoring client blood pressure poolside as well as aquatic programming ideas) plus a 20-question quiz to test your understanding of the materials.

Courses materials developed for AEA by:

Cristina Senra (Tinoca), MS, is an AEA Training Specialist, Ai Chi Trainer and Star 2 International Trainer for Anti-Gravity. Owner and CEO of Mundo Hidro, she has received Portugal’s Instructor of the Year (2002), AEA’s Aquatic Fitness Professional (2005), Career Achievement Award (2012) and Top 10 IAFC instructor (2019).

 Renata Tarevnic, PhD, is a teacher at the Federal University Rio de Janeiro.  She holds a master’s in physical education and a PhD in experimental and human biology.  She is a trainer for Mundo Hidro; author of fitness DVDs and books (including the Aquatic Fitness Manual for Pregnant Women); exercise instructor for pregnancy and post-partum; and Top 10 IAFC instructor (2019).

 Julie See, AEA’s Director of Education, shares 30+ years of experience in the fitness industry.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Information

    2. PPT PDF Download

    3. Part 1

    4. Measuring BP Video

    5. Part 2

    6. Equipment Considerations Buoyancy Equipment Unilateral Video

    7. Equipment Considerations Drag Equipment Video

    8. Part 3

    9. Low Intensity Segment Video

    10. Part 4

    11. Quiz

    12. Evaluation

    13. CEC/CEU Tracking

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content