Lumbar Stabilization for Spinal Fusions (Wykle)
Intermediate / 3.0 credit hours
Faculty: Mary Wykle, PhD, ATRIC
Spinal fusion surgery as a result of trauma, tumors, degenerative disorders, and other reasons resulting in low back pain routinely sends patients to aquatic therapy at various stages of rehabilitation. Key in treatment is familiarity with proper protocol progressions based on the levels of fusion. This workshop presents lumbar/pelvic stabilization protocols for basic fusions to multiple-level fusions and appropriate activities for patients with varied physical activity history.
1) Recognize the functional relationship between the spine and peripheral joints and the motion changes throughout the spinal axis.
2) Assist patient to recognize and maintain lumbar/pelvic neutral.
3) Identify appropriate strengthening exercises and progressions for the core and the upper extremities, within acceptable range of motion while remaining in neutral position.
4) Practice and understand the importance of symmetrical diaphragmatic breathing and strengthening of the respiratory musculature in pelvic neutral.
FACULTY: Mary O. Wykle, PhD, ATRIC, is a professor of physical education at Northern Virginia Community College. She holds multiple certifications in aquatics and fitness. Her company, MW Associates, offers consulting workshops in health and aquatics. Mary is a long-time faculty member and serves on varied committees for ATRI, AEA/IAFC, and WAHC. She is the author of Risk Awareness and Safety Training and the Aqua Pi-Yo-Chi™ course, and the Lumbar Stabilization Exercises DVD.
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